Message Details


MOUNTAIN OF FIRE AND MIRACLES MINISTRIES Youth Church Region 4 Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria.
Sunday Service
24th November, 2024
Text: Prov 24 vs 3-7
The Message: 
There is a change in the demography of the world that the church will need to have a full understanding of the world.
Marriage is not by luck neither is bad marriage hereditary nor is a chaotic marriage in the gene. 
After salvation, marriage is another gift that God gave to mankind.
God saw that Adam was frustrated and God said it is not good for a man to be alone, let us make him an help mate.
Ten paramount ingredients for a successful marriage
1. You and your God. Psalm 23 vs 1:
Nobody knows a product than the manufacturer, so God knows the best since he is the originator of marriage. Often time, man don’t know what he/she wants. 
Marriages from 0-5 years is known to experience more divorces because that is when excesses is beign trimmed. 
You do not know the life of the person you are going into marriage with.
You need to take your relationship with God carefully. Train yourself to hear from God, not until your marriage.
If you are God’s property, God will defend you. 
You can catch a man in 2 to 3 ways;
1. By sight i.e. by beauty
2. By His mouth i.e. by food
3.  By His God
 Let God give you a man from his heart.
2. You and Your foundation: Wrong foundation is an ingredient for marriage. Don’t marry him because of his place of work, it doesn’t matter where he is working but who Is working in him. Don’t marry because of what he rides but because of who is riding him. Don’t marry him because of gift.
3. You and your preparation and your readiness:  if you want a blissful marriage, then you must prepare . How many books have you read about marriage?  Bollywood, Hollywood movies helping you shape your view of marriage which is unreal and unrealistically. You need to prepare spiritually. You have to prepare materially. You need to prepare intellectually and financially.
4. You and your identity; Many fail to discover who they are before marriage. Check your character and your relationship skills. 
5. You and your choice: Who you marry will determine how far you go. Check and recheck the person you want to marry, Love is not blind.  When you are in a relationship, you need to like that person and not love the person. A break in a relationship is better than a broken marriage.
6. You and your partners baggage: Various people carries various baggage, you must not be afraid of the past because of future. There is negative baggage and positive baggage. You need your spiritual eye to be open and your intellectual eyes to be open.
7. You and your pursuit: No matter who you are married to, make sure you manage it properly. Don’t chase money at the expense of the emotion of the woman. The first need of every woman is security.
8. You and your thoughts: Your  thinking attitude will affect your marriage. Your thoughts about marriage will determine your marriage. Don’t enter marriage because someone marriage is bad, tell yourself good things.  Think right about marriage, think well about your husband.  
9. You and your associates: Keep company with people that think well about marriages. 
10. You and your personality: Your ability to serve. Many people is looking for who to serve them. Marriage is about service. To be the right candidate for marriage, your personality must change.
Before Ministration
1. Father show me your way in Jesus name
After Ministration

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