Rhesus factors is a Component of the blood and we have a Rhesus negative and positive
If you are O+ , that means you have an antibody which is positive on your red blood cell
Someone who is + can take blood from + and - .
O - is a universal donor and O- cannot take blood from someone who is O+.
The person that is + (Positive) has an antigen in the red blood cell and the person that is – (negative) doesn't have the antigen.
A woman with negative Rhesus factors will develop an antibody on the red blood cell when she marries a husband with a positive Rhesus factor which will fight the foetus in the woman
There is no problem either you are + or -, but when you are aware of your rhesus factor, it will help you when you are getting married and bearing children.
The rhesus factor of any child is determined by the parents’ rhesus factor
Rhesus factor is an antigen that is present on the red blood cell.
Example: She is + on her red blood cell , while her husband is - , so there is no problem since it’s the woman that is having it.
But if she is the one that doesn't have the antigen on the red blood cell and married to a husband who is having the antigen, so their child will either carry her rhesus factor or her husband. There is an injection that will be given to the woman so she wouldn't develop the antibody to fight this antigen coming from the man in the first pregnancy.
The first pregnancy might scale through without taking the rhogam (the injection given to the woman during her first pregnancy) but she might have a challenge with subsequent pregnancy.
Rhogam is an anti-injection given to the woman between 24-28 weeks of her first pregnancy.
When the baby is born, they will give the woman the injection which will help the woman against developing the antibody against subsequent babies.
If you must know your genotype, you must do it in three different hospitals.
Excessive break down of the red blood cell is called hemolytic.
Same Rhesus factors carriers can marry each other.
- can get married to -
- can get married to +
+ Can get married to +
If your genotype is AS, do not get married to AS because there's is probability to produce a child with SS
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