MOUNTAIN OF FIRE AND MIRACLES MINISTRIES Youth Church Region 4 Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria.
Sunday Service
8th September, 2024
Text: Psalm 144 vs 1. Jeremiah 51 vs 20. Exodus 14 vs14, 2 Tim 4 vs 7.
The Message:
There are battles and fights telling us God is the originator of fighting. God is our battle axe, there are many things to contend with. Only those before the creation of Adam and Eve is free of battle. God is a fighter. It is scriptural to fight. Your born again can be destroyed or diminished if you don't fight.
There are fights of life that won't allow you to move forward. Without passing a course In school, you can't graduate. We shall all win in Jesus Name.
The fights you need to fight are:
1. Fight of salvation - This bring victory. Only when you're born with fire and water can you attain the state of being a child of God. Salvation is your NIN . II Thess 2 vs 13 says; God has chosen us before we were born, we're to find it, a day must come for heaven to open to claim ownership of your life.
2. Fight for your destiny:- Adam delegate names to the animal and it still exist till today before Devil came to the garden. Are you the image God created you? Genesis 3 vs 5 says; Devil truncates the destiny of man, therefore, get hold of your destiny.
3. Fight to be spiritual:- The God we serve is a spirit, be spiritual so that the power of flesh which is destructive will not have power over you. Are you thinking of temporal things? Boyfriends, hairdo, Dressing, Yahoo? To be carnally minded is death.
4. Fight against Faulty Foundations:- admit and identify the one you have to be able to move forward in life, deal with it. If Christianity has no meaning to you, deal with your foundation, the Lord will deliver you
5. Fight to destroy all-round lack:- The declaration is to multiply, you must get something first before Prosperity, fight, go spiritual. Find God. Your faith must produce results at a particular time. Jabez fought without blaming his parents, Jacob fought and God changed his destiny. We must fight to achieve things. Ifyou don't win spiritual battles, physical things will not manifest.
*Instrument of Fight *
1. Salvation and Anointing. Isaiah 10 vs 27. Who told you things can never happen, you need to fight.
2. Fasting:- Don't waste your time or deceive yourself, 7days to eat and 21 times to eat in a week, let fasting be in your blood, some demons cannot go without fasting.
3. Prayers and the word of God:- if you can't pray, devil will deceive you, prayer is the weapon you need.
4. Faith:- It is impossible to please God without faith, do you have faith?
5. Service to God:- you can't get the best in life if God is not giving you, serve to earn.
Benefits of Fighting
1. You will be a friend of God
2. You have dominion over devil
3. You have unstoppable progress and testimony
4. You have fulfillment of your destiny and the people around you
5. The assurance of good health is certain both spiritual and physical.
If you're yet to give your life to Christ, put your hand on your chest and say, Empower me oh God to fight, to take charge of my life.
Lord you sent us to do according to your will, every power contending with the spirit of God shall die in your life in Jesus name.
Before Ministration
1. Defeating powers in my life, I am not your candidate, release me and die in Jesus name.
2. Every powers contending against my destiny, you're a liar, die by fire in Jesus name
After Ministration
1. Oh God my Father, the grace and power to be a Champion, be released unto me, in the name of Jesus.
2. Defeating powers of my father and mother's house, release me and die in the name of Jesus.
3. Any areas of my life that I have been defeated, arise oh Lord and defend me in the name of Jesus.
4. Point to someone and say - The defeating powers and spirit delaying your progress, die in the name of Jesus.
5. Yoke of defeat of your father's house, break by fire in the name of Jesus.
6. Battles in your life defeating your testimony, die in the name of Jesus.
7. Stand alone and say- Anointing of Champions, overshadow me in the name of Jesus.
8. Put your hand on your head and say, powers defeating my head, you're a liar, die in the name of Jesus.
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